불면 버라이어티 밤도깨비 5회차가 8월 27일 일요일 저녁 6시 30분 방송에서 군산의 명물 빵을 사수합니다.
밤도깨비의 다섯번째 아이템인 군산의 명물 빵 1등사수 미션이 주어 지네요..
간단히 요약을 해보았습니다. 참고하세요.
군산의 명물 빵 1등사수
70년간 운영한 전통의 빵집이 있는데 군산에서 모르면 간첩이라고 한다 ??
과연 역사가 살아 있는 군산에서 전통 있는 빵집에서 만든 빵의 맛은 ?
남녀노소 불문 추억이 깃든 빵집이라고 한다.
유치원 다닐대 부모님이 월급타면 먹던 추억의 맛..
군산하면 빵집..
밤도깨비 5인( 수근깨비 이수근, 형돈깨비 정현돈, 성광깨비 박성광, 홍기깨비 이홍기, 종현깨비 김종현 )이 야밤에 시간여행
밤샘에 귀농패션으로 내려놓는 밤도깨비들... 노숙생활을 하는데.
단팥빵 3행시를 쓰고..
단 : 단(잔)인한!
팥 : 파트라슈!
빵 : 빵.
피에스타 차오루 노숙요정이 된 사연??
시간을 알려주려고 온 시간요정이 빵먹고 가겠다고 자진 출연 요청하다가 초췌해져가는 모습이 방송을 탄다.
예고편 보기
깨비들 : 수근깨비 이수근, 형돈깨비 정현돈, 성광깨비 박성광, 홍기깨비 이홍기, 종현깨비 김종현
Blown-Up Variety Night Boar's fifth round will use Gunsan's specialty bread at 6:30 pm on Sunday, August 27th.
It is given the first mission of Gunsan's first bread, which is the fifth item of the night goblin.
I have summarized it briefly. Note please.
It is given the first mission of Gunsan's first bread, which is the fifth item of the night goblin.
I have summarized it briefly. Note please.
Kunsan's first specialty bread
There is a traditional bakery that has been operating for 70 years.
What is the taste of bread made in traditional bakeries in Gunsan, where history is alive?
It is said to be a bakery that reminds me of both young and old.
It is the taste of memories that parents eat when they pay a kindergarten.
It is a bakery ...
There is a traditional bakery that has been operating for 70 years.
What is the taste of bread made in traditional bakeries in Gunsan, where history is alive?
It is said to be a bakery that reminds me of both young and old.
It is the taste of memories that parents eat when they pay a kindergarten.
It is a bakery ...
Time travels in the night at five night goblin
Night-time goblins put down in earnest fashion at night ... I am living a homeless life.
I am writing an amaranth ...
D: Don (cup) caused!
Red Bean: Patrasque!
Bread: bread.
Fiesta Chao Lung is the story of a homeless man?
Time to tell the time the fairy will eat bread and voluntarily ask for a show, the appearance of going crazy broadcast.
Night-time goblins put down in earnest fashion at night ... I am living a homeless life.
I am writing an amaranth ...
D: Don (cup) caused!
Red Bean: Patrasque!
Bread: bread.
Fiesta Chao Lung is the story of a homeless man?
Time to tell the time the fairy will eat bread and voluntarily ask for a show, the appearance of going crazy broadcast.
See the trailer